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Sambucha Kombucha

Always raw, Always organic, Always Delicious

The “tea of immortality” has come a long way from its supposed beginning in China more than 2,000 years ago, Its been fined tuned and studied and now proven to aid digestion and strengthen the immune system. Sambucha is packed with a Probiotic arsenal of organic acids and active enzymes to sustain the intestine. 

Sambucha is made with an exclusive blend of organic and fair trade Himalayan oolong tea and white tea, lightly sweetened with organic demerara sugar ( 2 grams per bottle ), and then fermented with a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, otherwise known as SCOBY. The yeast in the SCOBY breaks down the sugar in the tea and releases probiotic bacteria during the fermentation process and upon fermentation, kombucha is carbonised, which is why the drink is fizzy! its all a fun and rather delicious chemical reaction. and that chemical reaction continues within you! aiding you in your digestion by breaking down sugars and carbs. 

We only use the ripest fruits in Sambucha, and if it is not in season or just not up to snuff, we won't make that flavor! it is that simple. we always want to deliver the tip-top sambucha quality you know and love. Each bottle is packed with at minimum, a cup of fruit or root veg so that you're truly experiencing the flavor and benefits of each flavor. 





























The Benefits Of Kombucha


Kombucha Has a myriad of benefits ranging from subtle digestion aid to possibly helping the body fight off cancer ( though kombucha cannot be used as a cure for any ailment or advertised as such ) 

The list is long and I'm happy to be able to blow your mind with the possible booch benifits

  •  Kombucha is a Source of Probiotics.

  • Kombucha May Provide the Benefits of Green Tea. ...

  • Kombucha Contains High Levels of Antioxidants. ...

  • Kombucha Can Kill Bacteria. 

  • May Aid Constipation 

  • May Reduce Inflammation in the body 

  • May Help Strengthen the immune system 

  • May Aid in cardiovascular health 

  • May aid in Depression treatment ( a healthy gut is a healthy mind) 

  • Kombucha May Reduce Heart Disease Risk. 

  • Kombucha May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes.

  • Kombucha May Help Protect Against Cancer.

  • Kombucha may Improve Nutrient absorption rates within the body 

  • Kombucha Eases IBS 

  • May improve liver health and function 

  • May Help you maintain a healthy weight

  • Kombucha may the body burn fat and calories by boosting the metabolism when made RIGHT #sambuchakombucha











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Location: Reading, Pangbourne, Theale, Goring and Streatley, Henley on Thames, Wallingford and surrounding areas






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